What are the occupational engineering categories for skill assessment?

Ellie Tondon
3 min readJun 20, 2022

Engineers Australia is the governing body in charge of all procedures relating to Engineers’ skilled migration to Australia. Engineers Australia is also the designated assessing authority for several engineering jobs. Within Australia’s engineering practice, Engineers Australia has identified primarily three occupational categories.

Occupational category for Engineer

Your educational background determines occupational categories. Engineers Australia recognizes three occupational types within the Australian engineering team:

  • Professional Engineer
  • Engineering Technologist
  • Engineering Associate

Engineers Australia recognizes an additional category for migration purposes: the Engineering Manager.

Professional Engineer

A professional engineer is an Australian man or woman with a bachelor’s degree in engineering from an Australian university. They are primarily concerned with the creation of new technologies as well as the improvement of existing ones. After completing 12 years of schooling or equivalent, a professional engineer must have an academic qualification of a four-year Bachelor of Engineering degree.

The overall system and engineering tasks are the responsibility of the Professional Engineer. As a result, they must possess leadership qualities because they will be interacting with clients and understanding their demands, as well as a diverse group of stakeholders and society at large.

Professional engineers resolve problems and challenges as they arise and manage risk and sustainability issues. They must ensure that both technical and non-technical concerns are addressed. While engineering produces tangible results, the primary activity of Professional Engineers is cerebral.

Within a broad engineering discipline, Professional Engineers may be involved in engineering studies and data, as well as developing new methods and applications.

You will do the following as a Professional Engineer:

  • Focus on overall systems
  • Create and implement new engineering practices.
  • Use your leadership and management abilities.
  • Holistically pursue engineering opportunities, considering environmental, community, and social issues. Solve a variety of problems.

Engineering Technologist

Engineering technologists work in various technological areas and are responsible for multiple duties and responsibilities. Expertise is frequently based on familiarity with a technology domain’s current level of development and most recent applications. Competence may be at a high degree and entirely equivalent to that of a Professional Engineer within their specialty field.

On the other hand, engineering technologists may not be expected to have the same broad perspective as Professional Engineers or responsibilities for stakeholder interactions, system integration, and synthesizing overall approaches to complex situations and complex engineering problems.

Engineering Technologist has the ANZSCO code 233914. Engineering technologists must have an academic qualification of an Australian 3-year Bachelor of Technology in engineering or comparable education after 12 years of schooling.

You will do the following as an Engineering Technologist:

  • Focus on system interactions.
  • Change and adapt existing engineering practices
  • Engineering technology has advanced.

Engineering Associate

Engineering Associates work in a variety of roles within engineering firms and teams. After 12 years of education or equivalent, the academic qualification required for Engineering Associate is a two-year Australian Diploma or Associate Degree in engineering.

Their primary responsibilities include feasibility analysis, scoping, defining criteria/performance metrics, evaluating and reporting technical and procedural options, costing, document control, quality assurance, and so on. The term “paraprofessional” is commonly used in Australia to describe the Engineering Associate profession.

You will do the following as an Engineering Associate:

  • Focus on specific system components.
  • Work within the boundaries of the codes and follow established practices and procedures.

Engineering Manager

The engineering Manager is a member of the Managers ANZSCO group, not an engineering occupation. A bachelor’s degree or higher in engineering or a related subject after 12 years of schooling or equivalent is required for an Engineering Manager. They are responsible for developing engineering strategies, policies, and plans and directing, administering, and overseeing an organization’s engineering activities.

You will do the following as an Engineering Manager:

  • Creates engineering strategies, policies, and plans and oversees their execution.
  • Engineer operations are managed and reviewed for the company.


Please contact us if you have any queries concerning occupational categories or other CDR writing services, and we will assign you to our finest consultant to help you. CDRwritersaustralia.com is an Australian-registered consultant specializing in RPL report writing, KA02 report writing, and CDR report reviewing.

